Enjoy a Triple Screening, Raffle, and Costume Contest!
Tickets are available through Pierre’s Playhouse
Wicked Sweet Raffle & Costume Contest at 8:00pm before the final showing.
All Proceeds to Benefit Grand Targhee Ski & Snowboard Foundation
Starring: Kai Jones, Ian McIntosh, Sage Cattabriga-Alosa, Griffin Post, Nick McNutt, Tim Durtschi, Marcus Goguen, Jim Morrison, Christina Lustenberger, Colter Hinchliffe, Parkin Costain, Maggie Voisin, Jim Ryan, Jake Hopfinger, Jeremy Jones, Alex Armstrong, Simon Hillis, McRae Williams, Jake Hopfinger, Wei Tien Ho, and more.
Shot on location in Alaska, British Columbia, Colorado, Jackson Hole, Palisades Tahoe, Pakistan, Patagonia
The worldwide tour for Teton Gravity Research’s Legend Has It launches in September.
Find tour stop information and tickets at TetonGravity.com/LegendHasIt