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Sponsor, Partner, Supporters, & Volunteers

The level of support Grand Targhee Ski & Snowboard Foundation (GTSSF) formerly Teton Valley Ski Education Foundation (TVSEF) has had is exceptional.

What got us here is not going to get us to where we are going. Our staff and board intend to make giving attribution and application an unprecedented example of how fundraising directly benefits our youth. We intend to increase accessibility, diversify inclusion, increase education, and consider mental health in our longest season (winter).

What started with a few ‘ski bumps’ will change how we perceive community, education, and culture on and off the snow.




Foundational giving is the cornerstone of success at GTSSF. Through financial contribution, we immediately apply your gift to our highest needs.

Become a Partner

We could never do it alone; GTSSF has a community that loves snow and wants to share that passion. Please support our efforts with your passion products.


*Packet coming soon

Get Involved

We need volunteers like a lab needs a ball. We want our entire community to be involved in GTSSF. Join our team and tell a friend about the experience.



Double Black Diamond
Double Black Diamond
Black Diamond
Black Diamond
M Lazy M Foundation Trust
Blue Square
Stuart S. & Jeanne H. Wilson
Green Circle
GREEN Circle
22 Designs
22 Designs
22 Designs
Community Contributors


Cirque Online LLC DBA DAS Optics
City Pass, Inc.
US Bank

In-Kind Donations


Grand Targhee Ski Snowboard Foundation Sponsor Harmony Design Engineering


Abbi & Pierre Sarthou
Abby & Willy Warner
Myndi Albitre
Amy & Cory Hatch
Ann Goodell & Chris Laing
Ann-Toy & Porter Broughton
Christina Assante
Karen Barnett
Debra Barracato
Colin Barry
Michael Barton
Molly Baskin
William & Jill Baskin
Heidi Blischke
Alice Boney
John Brandt
Bridget & Josh Baumeister
Dorit Buckley
Tim & Jacqueline Buckley
Bob & Robbie Burton
J. Carlo Cannell
Andrew Cemprola
Sandy Chio
Chris & Jim Schulz
Chris Larson & Cathy O’Connor
Clayton & Sarah Bieber
Kristin Combs
Rachel Consolini
Thomas Cook
Caleb Coverett
Dennis & Elodie Craig
Stefan Curtis
Alex Davis
Dean Francis & LeeAnn Ulrichs
Deb & Dana Mackenzie
Donna Dengler
Denise Bertsch & Aaron Gardner
Derek & Stacy Newton
Diane & Jeff Jung
Diane & Steve Temple
Kelly R Dobbs
Rebekah Donley
Brian Emory & Whitney Green
Erin Sours & Tyler Nelson
Eva Dahlgren & Dan Hundere
Shane Evans
Paul Fadden
Virginia Faulkner-Monks
Price Fessenden
John & Christine Fisher
Mark Fisher
Fred & Rita Johnson
David Gale
Jack Garrow
Dorothy Gilgen
Neil Gleichman
Kelsey Gootnick
Greg Collins & Susan Miller
Annahita Haghgooie
John Hansford
Hazel Ray & William Belk
Heather & Josh Jacoby Family
Chester Heeger
Bob & Patricia (Solameé) Heneage
Hilary & Carlos Ordonez
Gabriel Hill
Michael & Margaret Hinman
Nancy Hogenson
Jacob Hora
Ian Hosek
Susan Jackson
Miranda Jacobsen
Nicola James
Jan & Mitzi Van Arsdell
Jenna & Billy Beck
Jennifer & John Bandow
Jennifer Zung & Randy Blough
Jenny & Chris Jensen
Jenny & Jake Hawkes
Jessica Travis & Gant Ginter
Jim & Linda Edson
Brian & Madeline Johnson
Elaine L. Johnson
Julie Mueller & Don Sharaf
Justin & Dargie Bowersock
Tom Kalange
Katie & Baker Salsbury
Kim & Frank Trotter
Julie Kleban Myers
Jeff Klein
Elise Kranz
Kelly Laliberte
Gannon larson
Dirk & Patty Leasure
Loren & Barb Lindquist
Lisa & Scott Pierson
Liz & Derrick Nobman
Liz & Don Moseley
Mandy & Travis Rockefeller
Mark Holbrook & Sarah Vlach
Tyler Markley
John and Lisa Marno
Matt & Kim Roberts
Corey & Ellen McGrath
Melisa & Dan Streubel
Kristi Meston
Jenn Milloway
Lisa Misch
Mark & Nancy Misch
Kristin Mortenson
Richard (Skip) Mullen
Nancy & Michael McCoy
Nick & Ellen Besobrasov
Heather Noble
Lindsay Nohl
Kim Nubel
Arden & Ellie Oksanen
Kassandra Olson
Cody Overgaard
Melissa Pangraze
Ashley Paquin
Pat & Dan Willert
Patti Kauf & Squeak Melehes
Elliott Paull
Cameron Peck
Jamie Peck
Mason Peck
Barton Popenoe
David Porter
Jared Power & Josie Gray
Maureen Riegel
Christina Riley
Robert & Alice Stevenson
Mike & Kristen Romanzi
William L. Royall
Matt & Fallon Ryan
Sarah & Tuffy Kaiser
Scott & Jannine Fitzgerald
Scott Clark & Holly Tate
Gregory Scott
Sharon & Brian McDermott
Casey Singer
Ellis Smith
Todd Smith
Mary Spoelstra
Stacy & Chris Snyder
David & Donna Stice
Casey & Mike Stoner
Alexander Suckling & Erica Hansen
Sue Muncaster & Christian Santelices
Susan & John Love
Kate Swimley
Matt & Elizabeth Thackray
Chet Titensor
Todd & Astrid Warden
Todd & Kelly Waller
Patrick & Taylor Todd
Tony Dodge & Pauline Elliott
Travis Kirkpatrick & Amber Hemphill
Bob Phillips & Jane Ulrichs Phillips
Unity & Adam Minton
Steven Upchurch
Shawn Voigt
Niki Walters
Andrew & Filaree Way
Jackie Welsh
Fletcher C. White
Whitney Burgess & Tristan Kelley
Corinne Wicke
James Wilson
Katharine Wilson
Fred & Kim Wright
Tracy Wright
Kristi Yorks


Citizen 33 & Foragee Air
Compass Realty
FrontLine Cyber Solutions Corp
Grand Teton Brewing Co. Inc.
Grand Teton Distillery
Hapi Trails
Harbor Light Capital Partners
Harmony Design Engineering
Highpoint Cider
Holiday Propane
Intermountain Erectors
Jackson Hole Mountain Resort
MD Nursery & Landscaping
Melehes Brothers
RAD Curbside
Roadhouse Brewing Co.
Sego Ski Co.
Targhee Village Golf Course
Tatanka Tavern
Teton Aviation
Teton Creative
Teton Glass
Teton Gravity Research
Teton Reserve
Tetonia Club
Warbirds Cafe
Showing up to compete

Targhee Cup Race League

Tributary Logo
Mike Romanzi Badger Creek Woodworks
Grand Targhee Ski Snowboard Foundation Sponsor Harmony Design Engineering
Get Baked Pizza Logo
Cascade Cpas Driggs Idaho Logo
Harbor Light Capital Partners Logo