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The Grand Targhee Ski and Snowboard Foundation is a Registered Trade Name operating under the Teton Valley Ski Education Foundation. GTSSF/TVSEF is a non-profit ski and snowboard team located in Teton Valley, Idaho/Wyoming. We offer programs for youth looking to take their skiing and snowboarding to the next level through training and competition, in addition to hosting competitions and events.  As a non-profit, we rely on donations to keep our programs affordable to Teton Valley’s youth. 

Setting the Course for Success on the Slopes, on the Trails, and in Life

Revised December 2023



The Grand Targhee Ski and Snowboard Foundation (GTSSF) is a Registered Trade Name (Wyoming) under the Teton Valley Ski Education Foundation 501(c). (3) a Non-Profit was founded in 1988 by local ski racing legends Deb and Dana Mackenzie and Brad (Squeak) Melehes, Mark Melehes, and John Borstelman. In 1988 the first annual “Tug Boat (Terry Palmer) Memorial” Ski Swap took place. This generated the initial money to operate as Teton Valley’s first Non-Profit. Together they introduced the wonder of ski racing to the youth of our Valley. Their intentions still stand today to encourage discipline, respect, physical fitness, and healthy competition for the children of Teton Valley. GTSSF has contributed to the development of regionally and nationally ranked athletes and ski professionals, including our most recognizable alums on today’s ski scene, Sage Cattabriga-Alosa, two-time Olympian (2018, 2022) and Olympic silver medalist Jaelin Kauf, and Red Bull athlete Kai Jones. 

GTSSF currently provides development and competition team programs in alpine, cross country, freeride, and snowboard for hundreds of local athletes with the support of an extensive professional coaching staff.

GTSSF is composed of children, coaches, parents, and board members who together form a skiing and snowboarding community.  Athletes are trained, prepared, and supported for the level of competitive advancement they seek.  GTSSF follows the United States Ski and Snowboard Association (USSA) guidelines on athlete development. 


Our mission is to provide affordable ski and snowboard programs for young athletes to meet their individual potential for excellence through education and opportunity for competition. 


Inspiring future stewards of the mountains to pursue personal development and engagement in the community by providing sustainable, affordable access to all athletes and their families.


  • Fun!
  • Personal development
  • Affordability and accessibility
  • Safety
  • Inclusivity
  • Community


We provide programs that assist each participant in reaching his/her potential. 

INCLUSIVITY: We provide programs that foster a team mentality for the success of all participants. 

SAFETY: We apply best practices to maximize the safety of our participants. 

AFFORDABILITY AND ACCESSIBILITY: We are committed to affordable and accessible programs and seek community support and scholarships to help athletes as they move up the pipeline. 

COMMUNITY: We promote positive, productive relationships with the local community, community partners, and supporters of GTSSF. 

BALANCE: We build relationships with the school system and work with participants so they can excel in their sports, school, and life.


GTSSF, its directors, officers, agents, and employees shall not discriminate against any director, officer, agent, employee, or member or any other individual on the basis of color, religion, race, nationality, ethnic origin, age, sexual orientation, gender, class or disability. 

GTSSF, its members, if any, directors, officers, volunteers, and employees shall not discriminate against any member, director, officer, customer, visitor, applicant for a scholarship or other GTSSF programs and services, guest, employee or any other individual on the basis of color, religion, race, nationality, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender, class or disability in accordance with all federal and state laws that may apply. This policy applies to all aspects of GTSSF. GTSSF is an equal opportunity organization in all regards. 

Upon notification of violation of this policy, GTSSF will take action immediately, and disciplinary action will be taken, up to and including termination of employment, dismissal from the board of directors, or termination of involvement with the program. 

GTSSF also seeks, through its scholarship, fundraising, and outreach programs, to make GTSSF as affordable and accessible as possible to all customers and individuals who wish to participate in GTSSF programs, activities, and events.


Consistent with the governing bodies of our sport, US Ski & Snowboard and U.S. Olympic Committee (USOC), providing a safe environment to protect the health and well-being of our athletes is a high priority for GTSSF and at the center of all our programs. SafeSport is a valuable partnership between the US Ski & Snowboard and the USOC with a variety of SafeSport Guidance Resources. 

U.S. Ski & Snowboard works to provide a safe environment in which athletes can train and compete, free from abuse and inappropriate behavior.  GTSSF follows all relevant guidelines and protocols of the US Ski & Snowboard SafeSport program.  Please review the following information and join us in sustaining a culture of safety.

If you need to report inappropriate behavior, CLICK HERE.  We all are part of promoting a culture of safety through education, listening, and speaking up.

On occasion due to limited numbers, GTSSF may make a slight adaptation to travel guidelines. Our goal is to communicate with parents when making adaptations.  Consent forms found at link 3 should be used in these instances – transportation and lodging.


Shall be performed via the Virtual Meeting platform ie: Zoom, at the discretion of the Head Coach and Program Coordinator in November.

Coaches Code of Conduct

All GTSSF employees must agree to accept and abide by the rules of GTSSF.  The following codes, rules, guidelines, and procedures shall apply in all activities within the GTSSF programs. While participating in GTSSF activities, GTSSF employees are responsible for knowledge of and adherence to GTSSF rules and procedures.

Each employee of GTSSF will conduct himself/herself in a manner that exemplifies the standards of good personal behavior, sportsmanship, and professionalism and does not bring discredit upon GTSSF. Sportsmanlike and professional conduct is defined as but is not limited to, respect for competition officials, resort employees, fellow staff members, and the skiing and snowboarding public; respect for facilities, privileges, and operating procedures; the use of courtesy and good manners, acting responsibly and maturely, refraining from the use of profane or abusive language, and abstinence from the immoderate use of alcohol and use of illegal or banned drugs.

While participating in GTSSF meetings, and activities, including training and traveling with GTSSF, employees are expected to show respect for other coaches, race officials, volunteers, parents, chaperones, the general public, and all athletes and competitors. GTSSF employees shall maintain high standards of moral and ethical conduct, which includes self-control and responsible behavior, consideration for the physical and emotional well-being of others, and good manners.  Verbal or physical abuse of anyone involved with GTSSF – staff, coaches, volunteers, parents, teammates – will not be tolerated.

While participating in GTSSF training and athletic events, employees are expected to respect board and administrative decisions.

While participating in GTSSF activities, including training and traveling with GTSSF, employees are expected to show respect for GTSSF property and all property involved with training and competition. Sharing of equipment, tools, etc., with other employees is not discouraged, but permission must be granted first. If another employee does not wish to share his/her personal property, respect that decision. 

All GTSSF employees shall obey the regulations of the following but not limited to: United States Forest Service, Grand Targhee Ski Resort, the Alta track, and the rules of all other venues used during training and competition.

GTSSF employees agree to abide by the policies and procedures established by the U.S. Center for SafeSport. 

While participating in GTSSF activities, all employees are expected to adhere to all safety standards.  This includes wearing a helmet for all downhill disciplines when on snow.  Pulling the lift bar down at all times.  Carrying a working beacon whenever entering “slack country” at the resort i.e. hiking Mary’s Nipple and ensuring that all athletes have working beacons AND are knowledgeable about how to use them.

Coaches are expected to participate fully in coach training activities and other meetings as requested.

GTSSF is opposed to the use of prohibited and restricted substances.   Due to the laws of the States of Idaho and Wyoming and the mandates of US Ski & Snowboard, the FĂ©dĂ©ration Internationale de Ski (FIS), the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), and World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) pertaining to prohibited substances, GTSSF prohibits the use of all illegal and restricted substances.


Failure to comply with any of the above provisions may lead to disciplinary action which may include suspension of season pass when not coaching for GTSSF, suspension from training and/or competition, or termination of employment.

  1. Substance use and/or possession thereof, including illegal drugs and banned substances governed by US Ski & Snowboard, FIS, WADA, and USADA is cause for immediate suspension and/or dismissal from the program or other disciplinary procedures.
  2. Persistent irresponsibility and disrespectful behavior are cause for suspension and/or dismissal from GTSSF or other disciplinary procedures. 
  3. Unwelcome tampering with or destruction of GTSSF property or others’ personal property is cause for suspension and/or dismissal from GTSSF or other disciplinary procedures.
  4. Violation of state, federal, or international laws is cause for dismissal from GTSSF. Any violation of law resulting in an arrest or conviction by civil authorities, even if not related to team activities, may result in disciplinary procedures by the Executive Director and/or Board of Directors.
  5. Discipline can be initiated with a verbal warning, followed by possible suspension from GTSSF activities. Persistent failure will be cause for suspension and/or dismissal from the program for the remainder of the current season and could affect future employment. 
  6. Please note: If suspension or dismissal from the program or an event occurs while traveling, the employee may be sent home immediately at their own cost. No reimbursement of mileage, per diems, or other expenses will be made.
  7. Adherence to these rules and guidelines as specified herein by GTSSF and observance of state and federal laws are required for employment with GTSSF. 

Employee Standards of Conduct

GTSSF employees are expected to conduct themselves to the highest professional standards. Those standards include, but are not limited to, the following: 

  • Standards outlined in an employee’s Contract of Employment. 
  • Employees are held to the standards of US Ski & Snowboard and GTSSF Code of Conduct and all content in the GTSSF Handbook, including SafeSport, Travel, Concussion, Return from Injury policies, and the Athlete/Parent Grievance Procedure. 
  • Employees are expected to adhere to the Travel Pay Policies, Expense Policies, and Employee Grievance Procedures.
  • While driving a GTSSF vehicle, employees are expected to follow the laws of the state in which they are driving. 
  • Employees are expected to adhere to the guidelines provided within the Employee Handbook. 
  • Employees are expected to inform the Head Coach 48 hours in advance if they will not be able to make it to a session, in order for GTSSF to find a substitute coach to cover.

GTSSF as an organization/employer holds itself to the highest professional standards. We endeavor to provide an environment that allows you to be successful and support the mission and values, including, but not limited to: 

  • Clear expectations 
  • Resources needed for you to do your job 
  • Timely payments and reimbursement 
  • Market compensation and benefits 
  • Reasonable accommodations for issues that arise (LOA, etc.)
  • Respect and support for your position and responsibilities 
  • Feedback practices 
  • Due process 
  • Fun!!!

Social Media Policy

GTSSF recognizes the role social media plays in modern communication, and we respect the right of GTSSF members (athletes, parents, volunteers, employees, agents, etc.) to use social networks for self-expression. This policy protects the interests of GTSSF including but not limited to the organization’s reputation with athletes, families, coaches, donors, partners, and sponsors so we can uphold a good image within the community.  This policy should guide all GTSSF members to make respectful and appropriate decisions about interactions on the Internet. For the purpose of this policy, social media means any platform for online publication and commentary, including but not limited to blogs, wikis, and social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter, Flickr, YouTube, TikTok, etc.

Commentary and content produced by a GTSSF member reflects not only that individual’s personal views but also reflects back on GTSSF as an organization. By extension of representing our club, you also represent our community, including all GTSSF athletes, coaches, business partners, sponsors, donors, volunteers, board members, and our Teton Valley community at large. The actions of one individual can result in members of the public forming opinions about the entire organization, its athletes, staff, board members, partners, and sponsors; as such, all members are asked to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with GTSSF values and culture.


  • Positive personalized engagement with GTSSF stakeholders is encouraged and appreciated.
  • Tag #GTSSF so we can share!
  • Exercise good judgment.
  • Follow the Golden Rule – Treat others the way you want to be treated.
  • If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.
  • When in doubt, don’t post.
  • Be mindful of the information you want the public to see.
  • Remember: it takes five positive comments to outweigh one negative comment.
  • Always assume anything you post can be seen by GTSSF members, partners, and sponsors. Even deleted posts can remain accessible indefinitely.
  • Think about the consequences of how your communications may reflect on GTSSF if a community member, a business partner, a sponsor, or another GTSSF employee, athlete, or parent saw what you posted. How would you feel about being associated with someone else’s negative post, directly or indirectly?


  • Be consistent with the positive image and/or goodwill that GTSSF wishes to cultivate
  • Bring value to the conversation about GTSSF, show the positive things athletes and coaches are doing on and off the snow, and engage more people in the conversation about GTSSF
  • Speak respectfully of GTSSF, current members, partners, and sponsors
  • Be factual in nature
  • Reflect positively on our partners and sponsors
  • Be respectful and refrain from topics that may be considered objectionable


  • Be dishonest, untrue, misleading, or inflammatory
  • Be argumentative in nature — do not try to settle scores or goad others into debates
  • Include confidential information about GTSSF, members, partners or sponsors
  • Reflect negatively on GTSSF or any of its members, partners or sponsors so as to damage GTSSF’s reputation
  • Show GTSSF or any of its partners or sponsors in a negative or demeaning manner
  • Air personal grievances toward GTSSF or any of its partners or sponsors
  • Defame, misrepresent, or contain disparaging remarks about other people, partners, or sponsors

If any negative, questionable, disparaging, or misleading social media posts are brought to the attention of GTSSF leadership (coaches, executive director, board members, etc.), they will notify the executive director ([email protected], 208-354-4878), who will investigate any claims.  If it is determined that an incident violates this policy, the responsible individual may be subject to disciplinary action, including but not limited to removal of the post, formal apology, suspension from programs, removal from programs, and/or termination of employment.

Staff Compensation and Employment Guidelines

  1. GTSSF has a goal of paying market wages to qualified employees, based on performance and tenure. The goal is to hire, retain, and advance high-performing coaches. Good coaches are our single most valuable asset at GTSSF. Head coaches who have hiring duties should check with the executive director for specific compensation guidelines. 
  2. The executive director in conjunction with the head coaches is responsible for determining coaches’ pay rate. The board and executive director will provide guidelines for compensation and best practices in paying market wages. 
  3. All coaches must complete a compensation intake sheet and verify any certifications as part of their onboarding process to help determine a fair wage.
  4. The goal is to have high-performing, motivated coaches who head coaches incentivize and retain by moving up the scale based on a calculation of: 
    • Tenure: Years as a coach and years with GTSSF
    • Performance:  Head coaches will articulate coaches’ standards in a job description and measure a coach against them periodically and in a year-end review. 
    • Responsibility: The level of responsibility a head coach delegates to coaches influences where the coach falls within a compensation range. 
    • Certifications: Head coaches may pay more for a coach who makes the commitment to his/her own certification and professional development. 

Opportunities for a Raise:

There are certain assumed skills and areas of expertise that are factored into each coach’s hourly rate.  As such, not all coaches are eligible for all raises.  When budget allows, GTSSF does offer raises for:

  • CPR Certifications
  • AED Certifications
  • First Aid Certifications
  • Avalanche 1 and 2 Certifications, or other snow safety certifications
  • Coaching certifications provided by any ski or snowboard governing body or similar organization

Professional Development:
GTSSF encourages all employees to continue their professional development and seek out opportunities.  When the budget allows, GTSSF will cover 50% of any approved professional development classes, training, or programs with a receipt for the cost of the training and proof that the certification/training has been completed.  Employees may opt to receive GTSSF’s half of professional development costs either directly by check (as a reimbursement), or, if in season, GTSSF may cover the entire cost of the training initially and the employee cost will be deducted from the next paycheck.

If you are eligible for a raise once the certification has been completed, GTSSF will implement a raise on the next paycheck.

Hourly Rates: 
The rate of pay will be the same for a training camp, travel, or race day. The expectation is a coach will bring the same level of experience, commitment, passion, and professionalism to whatever the day brings. There may be more responsibility on race day, but all days bring a high level of responsibility at GTSSF, and we see no distinction.

Coaches who are paid for driving time (to and from competitions) will be paid the regular hourly coach rate (i.e., pay the same rate as for coaching time). 

Tipping is not mandatory and is not expected.  Coaches may accept tips from families at the end of the season. Coaches are not permitted to accept tips in conjunction with events or competitions and should politely decline if offered a tip under these circumstances to avoid the appearance of bribery or favoritism.

Season Pass Accountability Policy

GTR and GTSSF cover the cost of all coach passes for the discipline they coach. Employees are responsible for holding each coach/volunteer accountable for the number of days required in exchange for a Grand Targhee Resort season pass (minimum days worked is 16). GTSSF employees will be viewed as resort ambassadors. Showing your pass is a privilege if asked to do so, it must be displayed to the asking party. GTSSF is not liable for disobedient, negligent, or improper use of your pass.  If you lose your pass you are responsible for the dollar amount due for a duplicate. If you are caught in a closed area, termination may be immediately instituted.

Expense Guidelines & Reimbursement Policies

Athletes, employees, coaches, and volunteers of GTSSF occasionally incur expenses for programs and activities that are deemed to be costs of the organization. GTSSF needs to know of these expenses, and those incurring expenses need to be reimbursed in a timely manner. 

In general, the following approval is required for reimbursement of all expenses.  A more detailed “Authority Matrix” can be found on page 18. 

  1. An employee’s supervisor of the activity or travel must approve all expenses for which reimbursement is being requested.
  2. The executive director is required to review and approve these requests.
  3. The executive director should reimburse approved expenses within 2 weeks or sooner of receiving the request.
  4. Original receipts are expected for all expenses. Under certain circumstances and amounts of expense, the executive director may approve reimbursement with non-original receipts when appropriate other backup is submitted. The GTSSF Finance Committee and the executive director will closely monitor the exceptions to the original receipt backup. 
  5. The treasurer or another board member must approve all reimbursements to the executive director and any reimbursements when the executive director is not available for review and approval.
  6. Individuals requesting reimbursement must submit requests within one week of the expense.  A reimbursement request must be submitted with receipts attached. These may be hard copy or electronic and must be signed by the requestor. 
  7. GTSSF will not pay any expenses submitted more than 30 days after the expense has been incurred. The executive director may make exceptions to this policy. 
  8. GTSSF will not reimburse employee speeding tickets. 
  9. For all expenses charged on a personal credit card or account (e.g., fuel for GTSSF vehicles, posters, maintenance and repair of equipment, wax or other ski race supplies, hotels, entry fees, etc.) the person incurring the expense on behalf of GTSSF is required to get a receipt and submit it to the executive director within one week of the expense. If a coach is unable to return receipts to the office in this timeframe due to extended travel, a photo of the receipt should be sent to the executive director with a note explaining the expense purpose. The actual receipts can then be submitted upon return. 
  10. Head coaches have the authority to approve budgeted expenses less than $3,000 and unbudgeted expenses of less than $1,000 as necessary.
  11. Head coaches are only allowed to execute travel and camp expenses after preauthorization.

Travel, Per Diem, Mileage Reimbursement and Debit/Credit Card Use Policies

  1. Travel Policies: 
    1. Coaches are not expected to transport athlete equipment.  However, if a coach decides to do so, they are solely liable for any damage, loss, or otherwise.  GTSSF will not be held responsible nor consider these activities as within the employment contract.
    2. Coaches may not transport athletes in personal vehicles for any reason.  Exceptions are made for coaches who are transporting their own children or if arrangements have been made in advance and approved by the child’s parent.
    3. Coaches of the same gender are required to share lodging accommodations, if possible.  If a coach would prefer their own room when sharing a room is an option, that individual will need to pay for the room on their own.
    4. To facilitate proper billing to athletes, no additional compensation for competitions i.e. per diems, mileage, etc. will be accepted after the paycheck for the corresponding pay period has passed.
  1. Coach Per Diem Policies:
    When coaches travel to a camp/race/other GTSSF event, the following per diem policies apply:
  1. For any trip, coaches are entitled to the standard government per diem for Teton County, WY (M&IE).  This is $79 for 2023 and will likely change in 2024. 
  2. The per diem amount for the first and last day of travel will be set at 75% of the standard rate mentioned above.
  3. Coaches (or head coaches for all coaches) must submit the number of per diem days requested for each competition on their timesheet.
  4. Per diems may be requested in advance of a trip, but will be taken out as a pay advance should the competition be canceled.  If the competition takes place, the per diem amount will be added back onto the employees’ regularly scheduled paycheck as additional compensation.
  5. Receipts for meals are not required under the per diem policy. 
  1. Mileage Reimbursement Policy:
    If a GTSSF employee uses a personal vehicle to transport coaches or employees to a GTSSF event/camp/race or other approved travel, the below policies apply. If more than one employee is traveling, they are required to carpool or the mileage will be split evenly amongst the traveling coaches. Mileage is calculated to and from the GTSSF office (60 East Little Ave. Driggs, ID 83422).  All mileage reimbursements should be submitted in the appropriate place on the employee’s timesheet in the notes section.
  1. Mileage will be reimbursed at the annual IRS mileage reimbursement rate, currently $0.655/mile for 2023, and will likely change for 2024.
  2. Gasoline receipts are not required. 
  3. Mileage will not be reimbursed for regular travel to and from Grand Targhee Ski Resort. 
  4. Mileage will be reimbursed to Jackson Hole Mountain Resort or Snow King Resort when the mileage fee can be accounted for in an event/travel budget and the expense is allocated to the athletes attending the trip as a competition expense. Carpooling is encouraged to keep the budget aligned, If carpooling can not be arranged, the parties must verify with the Executive Director the expense can be covered for both parties. In most instances will not be reimbursed in full, but rather half to each party.
  1. Wage and Labor Law policies for Travel Days:
    To be in compliance with the federal Fair Labor Standards Act, the following policies apply to coaches for pay on travel days (this policy does not apply to salaried coaches): 
  1. A travel day is defined as a half or whole day spent traveling in a vehicle to and from a GTSSF camp/race/event. Travel days do not include days when a coach/employee is also being paid for on-snow coaching time. 
  2. Coaches will be paid for travel days using their contracted hourly rate for time spent actually traveling to a destination e.g., in a car or on an airplane or a train. 
  1. Debit/Credit Card Use Policy: 
    1. GTSSF-issued debit/credit cards are to be used only for approved GTSSF business purposes and not for an employee’s personal expenditures. 
    2. A debit/credit card may be used only for expenditures related to GTSSF competitions, such as registration, hotels, gasoline for GTSSF vehicles (rented or owned), airplane tickets, and travel-related emergencies. All other debit/credit card expenditures must first be accounted for in the GTSSF travel and general discipline budgets and approved by the Board. 
    3. Receipts for each debit/credit card expenditure must be submitted to the GTSSF Executive Director consistent with the GTSSF Expense Policy. 
    4. Please make all efforts to pre-approve expenditures with the GTSSF Executive Director before card use.  All expenditures over $500 must be preapproved by the Executive Director.

Emergency Action Plan

Step 1:   Control the environment so that no further harm occurs 

  • Stop all participants 
  • Protect yourself if you suspect bleeding (put on gloves). 
  • Shelter the injured participant from the elements and from any traffic. 

Step 2:   Do a first assessment of the situation.  If the participant: 

  • Is not breathing; 
  • Does not have a pulse; 
  • Is bleeding profusely;
  • Has impaired consciousness; 
  • Has injured the back, neck, or head.

Immediately activate EMS! 

If the participant does not show the signs above, proceed to step 3.


If at Grand Targhee,

  • Contact ski patrol via cell phone or communication with Grand Targhee Resort employee. When contacting someone concerning an injury, announce that you are a GTSSF coach, give a detailed description of your location, and the nature of the injury. 
  • Alternatively, you may also call the resort at 307.353.2300 to report the incident and have them contact ski patrol.

If at another resort,

  • Call the resort to report the incident and initiate ski patrol. When contacting someone concerning an injury, announce that you are a GTSSF coach, and give a detailed description of your location, and the nature of the injury. 

If at a location without any ski patrol services,

  • Call 911. 
  • Tell them the nature of the injury and the location: High School, Alta Track, Teton Canyon, etc. 
  • Tell them directions to your location on the trail

-Second, call the “In Charge” person and relay your location.

-Third, the “In Charge” person will coordinate with the coaching staff to direct EMS/ski patrol to the location of the accident.  The “In Charge” person will also provide directions for the remaining group, and follow up with the injury.  If coaching a very young group, call for another coach to come and help your athletes be absorbed into other training groups until the coach with the injured athlete can return to the group. A head coach, assistant coach, or executive director can take over by attending to the athlete at the ski patrol room or other safe location and will contact parents.  If at Grand Targhee Resort, have ski patrol post messages on lift “whiteboards” if parents are skiing as cell service can be sketchy. All athlete information is available via SkiClubPro

Step 3:   Assess the Injury 

  • Gather the facts surrounding the nature of the injury – mechanism and current condition-by asking the injured participant as well as anyone who witnessed the accident. 
  • If you are not sure of the severity of the injury, always call Grand Targhee Ski Patrol (or person in charge) for their assessment. 
  • Stay with the injured participant and try to calm him/her; your tone of voice and body language are critical. 
  • If possible, without causing further injury, have the participant move himself/herself to a more comfortable and out of traffic position. If there is any indication of a back or neck injury, do not move the athlete and allow patrol/EMS to assess. 
  • Keep the participant as warm and comfortable as possible. 
  • A parent or Coach must be onsite and stay with the group before assisting EMS or Ski Patrol. 
  • If the assessor is sure the injury is minor, proceed to step 4. 

Step 4:   Control the return to activity

Allow a participant to return to activity after a minor injury only if there is no: 

  • Swelling; 
  • Deformity; 
  • Continued bleeding; 
  • Reduced range of motion; and/or 
  • Pain when using the injured part 

If in doubt, take the child out!!!

Step 5:  Any suspicion of a concussion shall follow the GTSSF concussion policy (below). The athlete must be removed from training/racing and be cleared by a physician before a return to activity. 

Step 6: Record the injury/accident on a GTSSF ACCIDENT REPORT FORM, linked here, and, when necessary, record the injury/accident on a US Ski & Snowboard First Report of Accident form. 


Emergency Phone Number……………………………………………………………….………911 for all emergencies 

Grand Targhee Ski Resort………………………………………………………………………………..………307.353.2300

Hospital:  Teton Valley Health, 120 East Howard Ave., Driggs, ID  83422……………….……208.354.2383

In-Charge Person23/24 season

Program Coordinator/Alpine Development Admin – Devin Dwyer…………………………917.208.1463

Alpine Race Head Coach  – Fletcher White……………………………………………………………….305.509.0332

Cross Country Development and Rec Head Coach – Celeste Young…..……………………208.709.8564

Cross Country Head Prep and Comp Coach – Victoria Hollingsworth………………………307.413.4783

Freeride Head Coach  – Rachel Fortier……………………………………………………………..………208.716.4518

Freeride Assistant Coach,Phil Hornberger …………………………………………………..435.592.2668 

Snowboard- Devin Dwyer………………………………………………………………………..……….917.208.1463

Intro- Sam Deland……………………………………………………………………………617.784.4949

Devo- Leah Ronnow…………………………………………………………………………307.264.2069

In-Charge Person will: 

  • Coordinate with the coach of injured participants. 
  • Arrange to get first aid assistance to the injured participant or other assistance as needed. 
  • Access emergency contact information and medical release to be available for emergency personnel as appropriate. At Grand Targhee Ski Resort, medical releases are in the ski patrol room.  For Nordic coaches, rosters with emergency contact information can be found with each head coach. Medical releases can be found by accessing an athlete’s account on Ski Club Pro using a mobile device.
  • Call the emergency contact person listed on the injured person’s registration form. 
  • Fill in an accident report with individuals who witnessed the situation (found at end of document). 

Coaches will: 

  • Determine the shortest/safest route from the injury location to ski patrol or a safe location and wait for an ambulance.
  • If training is at Grand Targhee Ski Resort, follow the lead of ski patrol for the shortest/safest route from the injury location to a safe location and follow any instructions ski patrol provides.
  • Assign someone to clear any traffic from the entrance/access road before the ambulance arrives. 
  • Assign someone to wait by the entrance of the training venue to direct the ambulance when it arrives. 
  • Direct EMS to the injured person when they arrive.

Concussion and Return from Injury Policies

Concussion Policy: 

Pursuant to US Ski & Snowboard concussion policies, any GTSSF athlete suspected of having sustained a concussion/traumatic brain injury must be removed immediately from participation in any GTSSF sporting event (e.g. sanctioned training, practice, camps, competitions or tryouts), by any GTSSF agent or coach overseeing such sporting event. 

Upon removal of an athlete from participation for a suspected injury, the GTSSF agent or coach making the removal will also inform the athlete’s parent or guardian. The GTSSF agent or coach making the removal will also inform US Ski & Snowboard Competition Services in accordance with the US Ski & Snowboard Concussion Policy for US Ski & Snowboard members.

Baseline testing is recommended for all athletes competing in a race or event during the season and all athletes 10 years of age and older.

Return from Injury Policy:

If an athlete does not seek medical attention from a professional medical care provider, the athlete’s parent will evaluate return to sport. 

If an athlete seeks medical attention, the athlete will not be able to return to further participation until evaluated and cleared in writing to resume participation in GTSSF sporting events.  The clearance should be issued by a qualified health care provider trained in the evaluation and management of concussive head injuries. The health care professional must certify to GTSSF in the clearance letter (the “Clearance Letter”) that he/she has successfully completed a continuing education course in the evaluation and management of concussive head injuries within three years of the day on which the written statement is made. Athletes must provide the executive director and the head coach with any recommendations provided by the medical professional.

In addition to providing a Clearance Letter to GTSSF, athletes who have subsequently been medically cleared to resume participation must also provide the Clearance Letter to US Ski & Snowboard Competition Services in order to be permitted to participate in US Ski & Snowboard sporting events.

For those without health insurance, Direct Primary Care from Teton Valley Health may be an inexpensive option for health care in season.

Critical Incident Communication Plan

In the event there is a “critical incident” (as defined below) at GTSSF, the following communication procedures will be followed: 

  1. A critical incident is defined as: 
  1. A serious vehicle accident involving GTSSF coaches and/or athletes. 
  2. An injury to a GTSSF athlete or staff member involving serious bodily injury or death. 
  3. An act (alleged or confirmed) of abuse by GTSSF personnel against a GTSSF athlete or staff member. 
  4. A natural or unnatural disaster (i.e., avalanche, fire, earthquake, lighting, terrorist attack, pandemic, other serious events) that occurs during a GTSSF event that may involve or have an impact on GTSSF athletes, volunteers, staff. 
  1. All internal primary contacts (executive committee of the board and head coaches involved with the incident) will be contacted by the executive director or the board chair by email/phone and informed of the critical incident. 
  2. Internal primary contacts will assess the critical incident and determine content and extent of the communication plan. 
  3. Based on the assessment, a communication plan will be distributed by the executive director or board chair to some or all of the following contacts: current parents of GTSSF athletes, full GTSSF board of directors, head coaches, assistant coaches, the public. 
  4. There will be one spokesperson designated by the executive director or board chair for all external media communications, and all other personnel must defer to that person. 

Other non-critical, but important, communications will be handled as follows: 

  • If there is a breach of the Code of Conduct by an athlete resulting in disciplinary action, the head coach of the athlete involved will send a confidential email or communication to the executive director or the Personnel Committee of the board. 
  • If there is a major infraction of the Code of Conduct resulting in a disciplinary action, the executive director will inform the board of directors. 

Workers’ Compensation and Safety Management

GTSSF’s programs are meant to be safe activities to reduce workplace injuries, but what happens when an injury does occur?  If you need to file a workers’ compensation claim, you will need to file in Wyoming as GTSSF is an incorporated nonprofit organization in the state of Wyoming.  You can visit the Wyoming Department of Workforce Services website for general information on workers’ compensation.  You can find out more specific information about claims here.  If you need to report an injury, you will find more information here, and you will need to fill out the Wyoming Report of Injury.  It is recommended that the injured worker and the employer complete the form together. Then print and mail to the following address:

Wyoming Department of Workforce Services

Workers’ Compensation Division

5221 Yellowstone Road, Cheyenne, WY 82002Map

Send mail to this address: P.O. Box 20207, Cheyenne WY 82003Phone: (307) 777-7441 Fax: (307) 777-6552 Fraud Hotline: (888) 996-9226

Leave of Absence and Time Off

Due to the nature of the organization, the hours vary intensely, and are dependent on training schedules, seasonality, events, and travel. Additionally, most employees are part time or full time seasonal. GTSSF does believe in providing leaves of absence (LOA) for emergencies or personal events (weddings, etc.) as well as well-earned time off after a heavy period of activity. The key to implementing this LOA practice is communication with your supervisor, so that schedules and responsibilities can be covered.  

For example, after traveling with athletes for 10 straight days of racing or camps, you should be able to take some time away (just like the athletes). For example, all the coaching staff cannot at the same time take the week of Christmas off, as GTSSF has made commitments to the individuals in our programs for training and camps. You are encouraged to talk to and make arrangements with your supervisor, who can make the call as to whether the commitments and responsibilities can be covered.  Communication is key; the principle is reasonable accommodation and balance. Schedules may be predetermined and should be communicated thoroughly with the Program Coordinator and Head Coach simultaneously.

Staff Evaluation Process

GTSSF has an annual evaluation process to review staff performance against individual job descriptions and goals. The board of directors through the Personnel Committee reviews the Executive Director. The Executive Director reviews Head Coaches.  A member of the Personnel Committee attends the Head Coach reviews with the executive director. Head Coaches review Assistant coaches. Parent feedback is collected and shared as part of the review process. A written annual performance review is conducted at the end of the season. Supervisors will use a performance review form provided by the Executive Director. Reviews are conducted in person with signatures collected and the review is filed in the employee’s record. 

Each employee should submit a statement of desired outcomes to their supervisor at the beginning of the season or year and then a self-evaluation of those goals at the end of the season or year. 

Below are guidelines for the Evaluation Process:

Step 1: Use the evaluation form developed for each position.  A review of an employee’s Job Description is the basis for evaluation. In order to do a thorough evaluation of performance the duties, expectations, scope and scale of the position must first be clearly defined. These can be found in an employee’s existing job description. 

Step 2: A supervisor should have employees fill out self-evaluations, including a statement of desired outcomes. The statement of desired outcomes outlines the employee’s professional, programmatic, organizational and personal goals for the coming year or season. This helps encourage more professional engagement in the process, and develops a culture of accountability and general professionalism. 

Step 3: A supervisor should fill out their evaluation of the employee.

Step 4: Meet to discuss and compare self-evaluation and supervisor evaluation.

Step 5: Amend, Finalize and File. There should be an opportunity for the employee and supervisor to make any necessary clarifications and revisions to the final evaluation (typically from the supervisor) such that it is well understood and agreeable to both parties. It should then be finalized, signed and filed in the employee’s personnel file. This is then the platform for future evaluations – especially a review of the stated goals and outcomes moving forward. 

A template for the evaluation of a coach and head coach are linked here.

Authority Matrix

DecisionHead CoachesExecutive Director
Personnel – hiring, firing, compensation, reimbursements
Admin StaffX
Expense Reports- always next level management (i.e. HC approves coaches, ED approves HC)
Program ExpensesHead CoachesExecutive Director
Budgeted <3KX
Budgeted >3KX
Unbudgeted <1KX
Unbudgeted <5KX
Travel/Camp Expenses
Execution per preauthorizationX
Note:  normal and reasonable overages considered part of preauthorization
Note:  All contracts need to be reviewed and approved by Executive Director

Employee Grievance Procedure

If an employee has an issue/grievance/complaint regarding any aspect of the GTSSF program or the employee’s employment, the procedure for addressing the issue will be: 

  1. Approach your direct supervisor about the situation in a timely manner. A head coach’s direct supervisor is the Executive Director. An assistant coach’s direct supervisor is the head coach of their program. 
  2. If a resolution is not achieved, the issue may be brought to the attention of the next level of supervision until the issue is resolved. 
  3. If a resolution cannot be obtained within the staff structure, an employee may bring the issue to the Personnel Committee. If it is not resolved there, it will be taken to the full Board at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
  4. If the issue/grievance/complaint involves your direct supervisor, bring it to the attention of the Executive Director or the Personnel Committee of the Board. 
  5. If an employee has a grievance or complaint, please make an appointment to talk with the appropriate individual. Grievances and complaints cannot be given adequate attention without notice. 
  6. No issue shall be universally broadcast to the attention of any email lists, to the GTSSF staff at large, to athletes, to parents, or to the general club membership. 
  7. GTSSF will make every effort to address and take seriously all employee concerns and grievances. From time to time, grievances simply cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of all the parties. Any resolution by the Board of Directors is final.

Termination of Employment Policy

The terms of employment for all employees at GTSSF are governed by a written job description. Contract terms are explicit and vary depending on the type of employee (i.e., full time, part time, seasonal). When an employee and GTSSF signs the written job description, the following terms govern: 

The parties expressly acknowledge and agree that (a) the Agreement constitutes a written contract of employment for a specific term within the meaning of (b) no promises or representations have been made concerning the renewal or extension of the Agreement; and (c) neither party has any right to continued employment beyond the term stated in the Agreement unless both parties mutually agree. 

The parties acknowledge and agree that an Employee’s employment hereunder is an employment at will. Notwithstanding any other provision contained in this Agreement, either Employee or Employer may terminate Employee’s employment hereunder at any time with or without Cause or for Good Reason at his or her election upon prior written notice (a “Termination Notice”) to the other. A Termination Notice shall be effective upon delivery to the other party and the termination shall be effective as of the date set forth in such Termination Notice (hereinafter, the “Termination Date”).

All contracts are year-to-year and are subject to renewal by the end of the GTSSF fiscal year (June 30) based on an annual review of performance and continued need for the position.  

Employees are expected to conduct themselves according to the terms and standards of the contract. An employee may be dismissed at any time for cause if the employee does not perform accordingly. In the event of termination for cause due process will be afforded the employee pursuant to Wyoming law.

Acknowledgment of Receipt of the Employee Handbook

I have read and understood the contents of this handbook and will act in accordance with these policies and procedures as a condition of my employment with Grand Targhee Ski and Snowboard Foundation (GTSSF).

I understand that if I have questions or concerns at any time about the handbook or the standards of conduct, I will consult my immediate supervisor, the executive director, or a member of the board of directors for clarification.

I also acknowledge that the handbook contains an employment-at-will provision that states either GTSSF or I can terminate my employment relationship at any time, with or without cause, and with or without notice.

Finally, I understand that the contents of this employee handbook are simply policies and guidelines, not a contract or implied contract with employees. The contents of the employee handbook may change at any time.

Please read this Handbook and the Coaches’ Code of Conduct carefully to understand these conditions of employment before you sign this document.